Wednesday 8 July 2015

Ruskies (savoury rusks)

This is a family recipe and one of my favourites! I don't know where this recipe comes from but my gran made it and my mom made it for me and now I make it for my daughter. (well I make it for me too!) Just a warning, these are addictive so you may want to stock up for a second batch. A tin of these crunchy, savoury rusks never lasts very long in my house!

  • 8 slices of thick sliced white bread
  • 2 Tbl margerine
  • 2 Tbl Bovril or Marmite (whichever you prefer, I always use Bovril) 
  • Preheat oven to 100°
  • Mix the margerine and Bovril together (soften the margerine a bit if needed)
  • Set out the slices of bread and generously spread both sides with the margerine mixture
  • Cut off the crusts (I don't know if this is 100% necessary but we have always just done this!)
  • Then cut each slice into three 'soldiers'
  • Place the slices on a baking tray. Bake for 45 minutes, then turn and bake another 45 minutes.
  • Take them out and let them cool. They should be hard and crunchy.
Enjoy these with a cup of coffee or on their own. They also make a nice grab and go snack for you or your kids!

Keep it cooking,

Tuesday 16 June 2015

6 Minute Microwave Caramels

These super chewy caramels will have you feeling like a kid again! Not only is this recipe quick and easy but it also has a delicious sweet and salty adult spin. They are a great after dinner treat and will really impress your guests. They also make a super easy gift if you wrap each one in baking paper and bottle them in a nice jar. So here it goes...


  •  ½ cup brown sugar
  •  ½ cup white sugar
  •  ½ cup condensed milk
  •  ½ cup syrup
  •  ¼ cup butter/margerine
  •  a good pinch of sea salt flakes

  • Measure all ingredients into a microwave proof bowl
  • Microwave for 6 minutes, storing every 2 minutes
  • Pour into a rectangular bowl lined with baking paper so it's about 5mm thick
  • Sprinkle the sea salt over the caramel
  • Put it in the fridge to set. About half an hour in, take a knife and score it if you want equal pieces or leave it and break into shards when it is set

Be prepared to have lockjaw eating these, but it is so worth it! (Good to keep handy when you need some piece and quiet!)

Keep it cooking,

Sunday 7 June 2015

Quick Mix Banana Bread

There is nothing better on a Winters Day than a slice of warm banana bread laden with butter...mmmmm! This banana bread takes 5 minutes to whip up and because it uses oil, it is not only easier to mix but is also very moist and soft. This is a great idea for lunchboxes if you have kids and can also be made with nutty wheat flour for a healthy twist. Or you could keep it for yourself and enjoy with a nice cup of coffee!

  • 3 medium or 2 large ripe bananas (easier to smoosh)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 3/4 cup white or brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups plain or nutty wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp bicarb
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (more if you a big fan)

  • Preheat oven to 180ͦ
  • Mash bananas in a bowl
  • Add oil, egg and sugar and mix
  • Add in the rest of the ingredients and stir until just incorporated
  • Pour into a buttered and floured bread tin
  • Bake for 50-55 minutes until a tester comes out clean
  • Enjoy it while it's still warm with a nice cup of coffee!   

Saturday 18 April 2015

Smores Bites

This bout of winter weather had me in the mood for something warm and gooey. These Smores Bites are delicious with their crunchy base, creamy chocolate and lightly browned marshmallow on the top. These little bites of heaven can be whipped up in 15 minutes and are likely to really impress your guests (even the kids will love them!) It's also a great finger snack for tea party platters.

  • 1 packet Marie Biscuits (or Tennis biscuits)
  • 6 Tbl margerine
  • 24 blocks of chocolate
  • 12 marshmallows

  • Crumb biscuits in a food processor or blender to fine crumbs
  • Add in the margerine and mix until the crumbs are coated evenly and stick together when pinched
  • Place a spoonful of mixture into a muffin pan and press on the bottom and sides
  • Place in a 180° oven and bake for 5-8 minutes
  • Remove from the stove and add two blocks of chocolate into each cup followed by a marshmallow
  • Change the oven to grill and grill until marshmallows begin to brown
  • Wait 10 minutes for them to cool a bit before taking them out of the muffin pan
Enjoy and try not to eat them in one go!

Keep it cooking,

Thursday 9 April 2015

Three Ingredient Sweetcorn Fritters

All this cold weather has had me craving something warm and comforting. These sweetcorn fritters are super easy to make and are a great balance between sweet and savoury. They are great as a side dish or to add to your bacon and eggs for breakfast.

  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 can creamed sweetcorn
  • 1 egg

  • Mix all ingredients together
  • Heat a pan with a little oil, drop blobs of the mixture into the pan
  • When they begin to bubble flip them over until evenly browned
  • Enjoy!

Now all I need is some family at my table to share these with...or maybe not!

Keep it cooking,